UDas' Jokes Punjab Engineering & Medical Entrance Exam

Time Limit: 3 Weeks

  1. What language is spoken in Tamil Nadu ?
  2. Give a dissertation on the ancient Babylonian Empire with particular reference to architecture, literature, law and social conditions

    Give the first name of Pierre Trudeau.
  3. Would you ask William Shakespeare to
    (a) build a bridge
    (b) sail the ocean
    (c) lead an army or
    (d) WRITE A PLAY
  4. What religion is the Pope?
    (a) Jewish
    (b) Catholic
    (c) Hindu
    (d) Polish
    (e) Agnostic
    (check only one)
  5. Metric conversion: How many feet is 0.0 meters?
  6. What time is it when the big hand is on the 12 and the little hand is on the 5?
  7. How many commandments was Moses given?(approximately)
  8. What are people in India's far north called?
    (a) Westerners
    (b) Southerners
    (c) Northerners
  9. Spell -- Bush, Carter and Clinton
  10. Six kings of India have been called Akbar, the last one being Akbar the Sixth. Name the previous five.
  11. Where does rain come from?
    (a) Macy's
    (b) a 7-11
    (c) Canada
    (d) the sky
  12. Can you explain Einstein's Theory of Relativity?
    (a) yes
    (b) no
  13. What are coat hangers used for?
  14. The "Jana Gana Mana " is the National Anthem for what country?
  15. Explain Le Chateliers Principle of Dynamic Equilibrium

    spell your name in BLOCK LETTERS.
  16. Where is the basement in a three story building located?
  17. Which part of India produces the most oranges?
    (a) Gujarat
    (b) Rajastan
    (c) Canada
    (d) kerala
  18. Advanced math : If you have three apples how many apples do you have?
  19. What does AIR (All India Radio) stand for?
  20. . The University of Chandigarh tradition for efficiency began when(approximately)?
    (a) B.C.
    (b) A.D.
    (c) still waiting
  21. If a person celebrated his birthday on 14th august last year,on what day will he celebrate his b'day this year?
  22. How can you distribute 5 chocalate equally among 5 children?

    Please don't read the next line:
    (Q's 23-24 have B as the answer)

  23. Mahatma gandhi is
    (a)mother of the nation
    (b)father of the nation
    (c)sister of the nation
    (d)brother of the nation
  24. IT-BHU engineering college is an institute of
  25. If a one rupee coin is turned upside down it becomes a
    (a)2 rupee coin
    (b)it remains a one rupee coin.
    (c)depends on who flips it.
    (d)data insufficient.
    (please ask instructor to supply one rupee coin)
  26. Counting skills(test of really large numbers, in fact floats) : which of the following is not a 6 digit number?
    (use of calculators not allowed...log tables may be supplied)
    (a)one kg of cotton definitely
    (b)one kg of iron, no doubt
    (c)one kg of water,perfect..
    (d)all are equal..

    (water supplied to canditates is solely for drinking purposes... anyone found trying to weigh it could be debarred from the exam)

    *You must answer three or more questions correctly to qualify

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