Twisted Newsies! Four-time Olympian Carl Lewis may be getting too old for this stuff. After winning his ninth gold medal in the long jump, a Boy Scout offered to help him across the sand pit.

On the other hand, the girl gymnasts may be too young. One of them is using her medal to qualify for a Girl Scout merit badge.

When an American platform diver was asked how he could plunge 35 feet straight down in 2.3 seconds, he told reporters that he got his inspiration from watching the Bob Dole Presidential campaign.

Prince Charles presented Camilla Parker Bowles with a =A338,860 engagement ring. The queen was said to be so thrilled, she presented the couple with their first engagement present, a rare antique clock. Big Ben.

The latest fight against aids in Belgium has people wearing a small adhesive cardboard badge that tells passersby you are ready for sex and are carrying protection. It's basically the same idea as the "HELLO: MY NAME IS - BILL CLINTON - " button.

A rare 1958 BMW once owned by Elvis will go on the auction block in Monterey. It features a custom-installed dashboard french fryer and bacon cheesburger grill.
When locked from the outside, a sign pops up in the window that says: "Elvis has left the car."
The rearview mirror has a warning that says: "Michael Jackson may be closer than he actually appears."

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